Aggressive Behaviour

Aggression has different components to it. These include:

  • Verbal – insults, threats
  • Behavioural – pounding, throwing things, violating personal space
  • Emotional – raised voice, looks angry.

What is perceived as aggression can vary between individuals and across cultures. It is best to prevent aggression, and therefore to take de-escalation action as soon as you perceive it. If you are concerned that the person is becoming aggressive, you need to take steps to protect yourself and others. If a person becomes aggressive, always ensure your safety. Try to keep calm as much as possible and try to reduce the severity of the situation.

If you or someone you know are experiencing any of these symptoms, speak to a mental health professional. Our professionals are available to help you 24/7.

Imġiba Aggressiva

L-aggressjoni għandha komponenti differenti. Dawn huma:

  • Verbali (eż., insulti jew theddid)
  • Fl-imġiba (eż., il-persuna ssabbat bil-ponnijiet ta’ jdejha, twaddab l-affarijiet, tidħol fl-ispazju personali tan-nies)
  • Emozzjonali (eż., il-persuna tgħolli leħinha, tidher irrabjata).

L-aggressjoni tista’ tvarja minn persuna għall-oħra, u minn kultura għall-oħra. L-aħjar ħaġa hija li din tiġi pprevenita ħalli titnaqqas il-gravità tas-sitwazzjoni malli tinduna biha. Jekk inti mħasseb/imħassba li l-persuna qed issir aggressiva, għandek tieħu passi sabiex tipproteġi lilek innifsek u lil oħrajn.

Jekk il-persuna ssir aggressiva, dejjem assigura s-sigurtà tiegħek. Kemm jista’ jkun, ibqa’ kalm/a bil-mira li titnaqqas il-gravità tas-sitwazzjoni.

Jekk int jew xi ħadd li taf qed tesperjenzaw xi wħud minn dawn is-sintomi, kellem professjonist. Il-professjonisti tagħna qegħdin hawnhekk 24/7 biex jgħinuk.