Severe Psychotic State

A person in a Psychotic State can have:

  • overwhelming delusions and hallucination
  • very disorganised thinking
  • bizarre and disruptive behaviours


A person in a Severe Psychotic State can have overwhelming delusions and hallucinations, disorganised thinking and/or bizarre and disruptive behaviour. The person will appear visibly distressed, their behaviours will be sometimes perceived as disturbing to others. When a person is in this state, they can come to harm unintentionally because of their delusions or hallucinations. For example, the person may believe they have special powers to protect them from danger such as driving through red lights, or the person may run through traffic to try to escape from their terrifying hallucinations. Some people experience a severe psychotic state only rarely, perhaps every few years; others more frequently; and some may experience these states several times a year. A severe psychotic state can occur without an apparent cause, or it may be triggered by something specific. Possible triggers include extra stresses or life events. Forgetting to take medication, or choosing not to, can also trigger a psychotic episode, and this is one of the reasons that it is best for people to continue taking their medication as prescribed. A severe psychotic state may develop gradually over a few days, or it may seem to come on very suddenly. For this reason, early signs of a psychotic state should be addressed as quickly as possible.

If you or someone you know are experiencing any of these symptoms, speak to a mental health professional. Our professionals are available to help you 24/7.

Stat Psikotiku Sever

Persuna fi stat psikotiku sever jista’ jkollha:

  • Delużjonijiet jew alluċinazzjonijiet inkontrollabbli
  • Mod ta’ ħsieb diżorganizzat ħafna
  • Imġiba stramba u ta’ tfixkil


Jekk xi ħadd għandu marda psikotika, jista’ jesperjenza sintomi bħal dawn b’mod sever. Xi nies rari jesperjenzaw stat psikotiku sever, forsi kull ftit snin; oħrajn iktar frekwentement u xi wħud jistgħu jesperjenzaw dawn l-istati bosta drabi fis-sena. Stat psikotiku sever jista’ jseħħ mingħajr ebda kawża apparenti jew jista’ jiġi kkawżat minn xi ħaġa speċifika. Kawżi possibbli jistgħu jkunu affarijiet stressanti jew avvenimenti fil-ħajja (anki avvenimenti pożittivi, bħal impjieg ġdid jew btala). Li wieħed jinsa’ jieħu l-mediċina jew jagħżel li ma jeħodhiex ukoll jista’ jwassal għal episodju psikotiku, u dan hu wieħed mir-raġunijiet il-għala huwa l-aħjar ħaġa li n-nies ikomplu jieħdu l-mediċini tagħhom skond ir-riċetta tat-tabib/a. Stat psikotiku sever jista’ jiżviluppa gradwalment fuq numru ta’ ġranet jew jista’ jagħti l-impressjoni li ġie għall-għarrieda. Għal din ir-raġuni, sinjali bikrija ta’ stat psikotiku għandhom jiġu indirizzati kemm jista’ jkun malajr.

Jekk int jew xi ħadd li taf qed tesperjenzaw xi wħud minn dawn is-sintomi, kellem professjonist. Il-professjonisti tagħna qegħdin hawnhekk 24/7 biex jgħinuk.