Online Chat

Our  online  chat is available for free to anyone experiencing mental health difficulties. our professionals will be able to offer emotional support as well as practical guidance. We are here 24/7.


Epic for Good

Epic through its Epic for Good Initiative is committed to bringing better connectivity by combining charitable giving and technology to make a difference. The aim of this programme is to partner up with NGOs and co-create, support and fund projects which harness the power of mobile technology and innovation to bring about social change, mainly in the fields of health and education. Since its inception, the the foundation has donated over €4 million to local causes across Malta and Gozo. It has also been at the forefront of innovation, collaborating on projects involving cutting-edge technology such as blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) in projects ranging from tackling paediatric pain management in children undergoing cancer treatment to enhancing an appreciation of Malta’s cultural heritage.

Privacy Policy, Data Processing and Retention, and Confidentiality Agreement

To read the Chat Privacy Policy, Data Processing and Retention,  and Confidentiality Agreement Click here